� Unfortunately, those of us in the medical profession, or in fire/rescue/ems/law enforcement, are frequently in need of a means to help us cope with those darker things we see. � We deal with human depravity, we don't always know what calls are dangerous and which aren't, we see dead children, suicides, drownings, decapitations, traumatic amputations, etc. � There are those among us who have turned to alcohol for a relief - a means to forget. � Unfortunately, several of us become alcoholics, making us a danger to those for whom we work, those to whom we respond, and our co-workers, families, friends. � We find out all too soon that alcoholism is a vicious circle, like Charlie and his subway car. It may work for a while, but somewhere down the line, it stops working. And you live with terror, rage, lies, and many times want to die yourself. � As a coping mechanism, alcohol is not an option. If you are having a problem, please visit Alcoholics Anonymous. You don't have to live in despair any longer.