Why is it that we allow ourselves to lose touch with those people who have
meant alot to us?
Where are YOUR childhood/young adult/college etc. friends now?
This page is for those with whom I've lost touch. If you're here, please
get in touch.
�Debbie H. - You lived in a huge victorian not too far from the school.
I remember the day there was a fire in the furnace, and your older brother
"saved" our barbie dolls.
�Biffy. We lived next door to each other. Wanted to wear skorts like
your older sister, wear fake fingernails like Mary P., play canasta and eat
rock candy. We spoke last about 15 years ago. Where are you now?
�Layne F. One of the few blacks in town, you had told me in 7th grade
you could NEVER be friends with a white girl. But you signed "friends!" in
my yearbook the day we graduated. We last spoke during the bussing fiasco
in Boston. I think of you often.
�Karen O. - You are always in my thoughts and prayers. You were very
despondent when we last spoke. I pray that you've found your way out of that
black hole of despair.
�Jay Leno - yeah, believe it or not. Graduated a year ahead of me, and
I don't expect you to remember Tom T's VERY short blond girlfriend.
�Kathy B. - You were reed thin, I was chunky. I envied you your thinness
then. I didn't realize how emotionally painful it was for you. Overnights,
"UFO" sightings, horseback riding, babysitting, and the monster movies late
into the night.
�Carolyn F. - From Hyannis. You were a maid of honor - how on EARTH
did we allow ourselves to get out of touch?
�Annie M. - A trip to your Connecticut home from our college in Vermont.
Artichoke hearts for dinner. Walks in the woods. I miss you.
�Nancy S. - We are still in touch through various methods, but see each
other only rarely. It's been almost 30 years since we met. Doesn't seem possible.
�Lynne G. - Nancy's sister. We've grown to be very close friends. You're
20 or so miles away. We speak on the phone recently, but rarely have time
with our busy schedules to stop and catch our breath.
�Lance and David - I miss the insanity of the mountain, and the laughs.
�Veda and clan - Sporadic contact. Too busy to get together except perhaps
on holiday weekends.
�Dad and Betty - you're angry with me right now. Maybe someday you'll
work through it.
�Carol and the rest of the Michigan clan. You know we love you.
�So many more - we come across names in a long forgotten address book
that's been tucked away in a box somewhere. Those who have touched our lives.