"...'Cuz growing up is awfuler
than all the awful things there
ever were . . ."
Peter Pan
� Is this the legacy we're going to leave our children? I
hope and pray not.
� Children learn by our example, as everyone knows.
� Below are some factoids that I've picked up during my career, and
some thoughts to go along with them.
CDC and WHO (the World
Health Organization) estimate that 80% of CONTINENTAL Africa will be dead
by the year 2010 from infectious diseases. And the estimates for the population
of Thailand are similar.
I don't understand the
reasoning of a pregnant CNA who refuses to practice proper glove use and
hand washing during an outbreak that is killing residents and causing staff
to come down with pneumonia. What value does she place on the health/life
of her unborn child?
If you flush the toilet
without the cover down, the force of the flush can fling microbes as far
as 8 feet from the bowl. Where do YOU keep your toothbrush, etc.???
multiply at alarming rates in foods that are not properly stored. Food DOES
NOT have to look/smell/taste bad to be infectious.
There have been cases
of vancomycin intermediate resistant staphylococcus aureus in this country.
Vancomycin is the antibiotic that's generally given when NOTHING else will
work. PLEASE stop insisting that your doc give you an antibiotic when he/she
says you have a�virus. Take antibiotics EXACTLY as prescribed, and FINISH
the prescription. STOP giving antibiotics prescribed for you to other people.
If we don't stop these, and other common practices, people are going to start
dying of infected pimples, boils and carbuncles. Is this the legacy you want
to leave your kids???
During a VERY informal
survey at an infection control conference, I monitored the�hand washing
of female attendees. (No notes were taken - I didn't want to be TOO obvious!)
What I�noticed was that only about 25% of those using the bathroom washed
their hands afterwards. And of those who did, most did not follow proper
hand washing technique. And these are the people who are supposed to teach
us how to protect ourselves from infectious diseases! Do they think their
own microbes aren't just as infectious as yours or mine???
Why did the American
Association of Pediatrics come out with a statement that said we don't need
to routinely test our children for tuberculosis when there's a TB epidemic
in this country and the majority of our children are at high risk for becoming
Those of us who are baby
boomers, or older, can remember having TB tests and head checks for lice
as a routine part of the first week of school. Did you know that head/body
lice are now resistant to the medications generally used to treat them? (And,
contrary to popular opinion, head lice prefer CLEAN hair, not dirty hair.)
Fifty percent of teenagers
will have their first sexual experience between the ages of 12 and 14. Have
you talked to your children yet? Do they have ACCURATE and Up To Date info
on sexually transmitted diseases? Do YOU?
Observation: Most medical
people who aren't involved in infection control don't recognize an outbreak
until it smacks them in the head and has a direct impact on THEIR lives and
the lives of their staff.
Observation: Most physicians
aren't up to date on current practice guidelines regarding treatment of
infectious diseases.
Just because someone
is over 60, when they present at the emergency room with a temp it DOES NOT
mean that they 1. are constipated; 2. have a�urinary tract infection;
3. are dehydrated. Please, those of you who work ERs, stop practicing age-based
prejudicial treatment. The elderly are people, too.
We've had 3 cases of
septic gallbladders in the last 5 years where I work. All 3 were sent to
the ER. All three were treated for urinary tract infections. PLEASE!!! They're
doing well enough at working on dying by themselves. They DON'T need additional
help! (All three were sent back, treated properly and survived, by the way.
AFTER we insisted on basics like a surgical consult.)
The above is not an
indication of the quality of care here. It's indicative of how the elderly
are generally treated in this country. NH is not the only state I've worked
in, and I've seen this happen in every state I've worked in.
Why do staff think infection
control nurses lie in bed at night and dream up things like 1. wear your
gloves and wash your hands; 2. it's not going to bother you because you're
healthy, but it could KILL your immunocompromised patient; 3. don't worry
about taking it home to your kids - they're colonized with it anyway, according
to statistics; 4.�linen DOES NOT belong on the floor, up against your
body, slung over your shoulder, etc.; 5. yes, you DO need to go and wash
your hands because you've just coughed/wiped your nose/rubbed your eyes/shut
the faucet off with your bare hand.
Why should I lie to you???
Do you think I want to get sick? My child to get sick? The paperwork and
the overtime that goes with an outbreak? Be serious! Outbreaks, on top of
the devastation they can cause to residents, are a pain in the butt for infection
control nurses.
Bacteria, fungi, viruses,
protozoa, etc. make up 2/3 of the world's living population. And they don't
want to die anymore than WE do. And they're more adept at mutating than we
are. Why don't people believe that we're engaged in a world-wide war with
these things? AND WE'RE LOSING!