1. �Ride horses at breakneck speeds through the woods to the girl scout camp, and then riding the horses through the buildings 2. �Ride the same horses down main street, getting stopped by the cops and being told they're going to ticket you for riding said horse down main street too fast 3. �Locking your brother in the barn, promptly forgetting he's there until four hours later and your mother is looking for him 4. �Your first rock concert WITHOUT a parent along 5. �The disappointment when your friends' father announces he's been to a party with a new rock group called "The Monkees", but didn't ask the two of you to go along because he thought you'd be BORED!!! 6. �Bragging to people that you were a year behind Jay Leno in high school 7. �Remembering that there were times when you didn't want to ADMIT you were a year behind Jay Leno in high school 8. �Squirtgun fights with grape juice 9. �Skorts, pedal pushers, entire cow boy/girl outfits, complete with holsters and cap guns 10. Boomtown, Howdy Doody, The Mickey Mouse Show, Ding Dong School, Lawrence Welk, Ed Sullivan, the first episode of Bonanza, Bozo 11. Getting into trouble with the brass at the nike site because your puppy crawled under the fence and you followed it 12. Skating on anything that was frozen 13. The Christmas Light Display on the Boston Common 14. Having Robert Urich move to your home town and telling people you used to cut through that very same�back yard to get to the tennis courts 15. Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy, Mickey Mouse ears - with or without the pink bow 16. 8 tracks, record players/stereos/hi-fi's that had no clue what a CD or a�cassette player was 17. Black and white TV complete with the emergency broadcasting announcement at the end of the day when the TV went dark because it wasn't ON 24 hours a day 18. Rabbit ears for that very same TV 19. That first kiss 20. Your first prom 21. Your first true love 22. Your first ride on the back of a�cow (who WAS it that put the bull in the pasture, anyway?) 23. Your first ride on a horse (and your first fall from same) 24. Your first ride in an airplane 25. The World's Fair in New York