Hi out there in Scanner Land

(or wherever you may happen to be)

� Do you feel like every time you go to a call that you're providing entertainment for everyone in the immediate galaxy?

� Even out here in the boonies, bystanders seem to crawl out of the trees, up out of the water, materialize behind moose. And, just like in the big city, they're all willing to give advice, especially if they have those scary initials "M.D." after their names.

� And, to be fair, I must say the same about most of the nurses I know. Because contrary to popular opinion, nurses and doctors ARE NOT taught first aid in school.

� Now, I don't know what the rules are where you live, but in most emergency situations here, fire/rescue have control until (at the very least) the scene is considered safe (unless there are weapons/bombs involved), and victims are cared for. So we have, on occasion, threatened to have doctors/nurses/police/bystanders arrested if they continued to interfere with us.

� Click on the buttons below to read about the trials, terrors and the rest.

Ice Rescue

No, it's NOT your patient anymore!

Does this make me�a REAL firefighter now?

More to come later.