Mrs. Murphy has always loved horses. And she has been fortunate enough to have regular lessons, first when young, and then as an adult.

Her dream was always to own her own horse. And, in 1997, that dream finally came true. Christy Poco Socks, a registered Quarter Horse, became a part of the Murphy family.

Mrs. Murphy and her son have spent many enjoyable hours on Christy, both in and out of the ring. Nothing beats a trailride up into the mountains surrounded by the beautiful New England Fall Foliage.

And being fortunate enough to show was a thrill as well. We have several dozen ribbons adorning our walls.

We love Christy, and she has become a pet. Just the two of us, roaming a trail through the woods while the snow melts and woodland flowers poke their heads up . . . finding a cool place in the woods during the summer . . . the foliage in the fall. An occasional ride in the winter if there isn't too much ice. And that wonderful smell of horses. Nothing beats it.

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