The Terminal

Imagine finding yourself in a strange terminal. Dozens of people are moving about. You search in vain for a familiar face - a sign you can understand - a way out. Desperately you realize you don't know where you are or how you got there - or how to get out. Your heart pounds as you approach a young woman and ask her to help you call a cab or show you to the bus stop. But she merely smiles and reassures you that you're where you belong. How can that be? You don't know why you're here. You have no memory of this morning and who you were with. If only you could remember yesterday and what you were doing . . . where you live. Someone must be looking for you . . . wondering where you are. A husband. A mother! Mothers always want to know where their children are. There must be work you should be doing or bills to pay . . . a house to rturn to. Why can't you remember? You sit down and wait for the confusion to pass: Someone will have an answer.


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