� My son uses the internet. He'll be 14 in July, just at that age when they begin to want to experiment and take risks. Despite his age, we still go through his email together, and I monitor closely what he's doing while on the internet. There are 3 pages here. Please take your time going through the links. Each and everyone is important to the safety and well-being of our children.
Patchwork's Page - early childhood education, special education, missing children, info for parents, facts for families - quite an extensive site. � kidsDoctor - a searchable database for parents on children's health
Please help us help the children. Visit the Missing Children Stamp Committee. �It will only take a�minute or two of your time, and it would mean so much. �Thank you.
The next two sites have valuable information for the safety of our children. �Please visit them. BE AWARE OF THE CHILDREN! �Use your eyes and ears! �No matter what you are doing, watch and listen for them. �Watch until you are sure that child crossing the street gets to the other side safely. �Watch until the child riding his/her bike has ridden safely out of your line of vision. �Watch to make sure that intoxicated person doesn't get behind the wheel of a car. Listen to that child talking to someone in that truck to make sure there is nothing amiss. Watch their faces. �Listen for their fear. �Make a conscious effort to be aware! Please!!! If you have a web site that's family friendly/child safe, consider linking to one of the above (or both) organizations. �They're vitally important. (Please note - I had a bit of difficulty with this link - I got only the left hand column index, with a notice in the main frame saying the link didn't exist. �Use the index to the left to open the site. This site contains important information to us all.)